
Notes on what I find on my path in life

No Illicit Arms Found in Iraq, U.S. Inspector Tells Congress

What a stupid war to change the path of History (the war on Iraq).

This was the first preemptive war the US has fought.

It is a completely irresponsible war based on lies.
Europe and the UN warned and was NOT convinced of the allegation.
US provided FAKE, made up proof of WMD to the UN (that was NOT belived).
G. W. Bush stated that US did not need approval nor nelp from the UN.

Who knows what the real motives for the war were ?
I am inclined not also to question the motives for the war in Afganistan.

No Banned Arms Found in Iraq So Far, U.S. Inspector Confirms

No Illicit Arms Found in Iraq, U.S. Inspector Tells Congress

Blair told to come clean over WMD

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