
Notes on what I find on my path in life

Emitter theory, The Speed of light is NOT constant

Emitter theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In Studying the Einsten relativity I could never understand why there was the need of the postulate
The speed of light is constant for all frames of reference
and if there were any experimental data that proved this.

Finally I found an theory that agrees with my feeling that the speed of light CANNOT be CONSTANT for all frame of refrence.

It is really for me hard to understand why the speed of light should be constant for all observer.
This is the second postulate for Standard Relativity, and I am convionced that assuming this is incorrect.

Without going into phisics or mathematics details, this does not sound right somply because there is NOTHING ELSE in the universe that behave like this.
I mean: if you push something it goes faster!
Or if 2 photons run parallel, won't each see the other as still ?
And if the instead go one againt the other won't they see each other go at 2c (going though the space in half the rime ?)

For this I agree with the Emitter Theory where c (the speed of light) is constant only in reference to the emitter, as anything else in our world.

That c is constant in any frame of reference is counterintuitive and I think can generate situations that would be inconsistent.

A will now try to explain with an example.
It is a variation from an example from a book on String Theory.

Let assume that we create a "Photonic clock", this clock measures times, by counting how many times a photon bounces between 2 mirrors.

--- top mirror
--- bottom mirror

I will represent the photonic clock with the "=".
Let's assume we have 2 of these clocks, and we give one to Tim and Jeff one to Jeff.
Naturally the photons move at c (the speed of light), c does will be the same from any point of fererence.

Now let's assume that Tim stay still and Jeff starts running in one direction at speed r.

Jeff[=] -->r

Tim observes:
in his photonic clock the photon bounces vertically running the path between top to bottm

Jeff also observes:
in his photonic clock the photon bounces vertically running the path between top to bottm

But when Tim observes Jeff photonic clock, he sees that the photon in Jeff clock moves diagonally, because Jeff is running at speed -->r
a diagram of moving Jeff photon from Tim point of view is

t1 t3
--- ---
\ /
\ /

Clearly from Tim point of view the photon path in Jeff clock is longer than Tim photon that bounces vertically.
Now, if c is constant from any point of reference, Tim CANNOT observe the the photon of Jeff to move at a different speed than his own photon. Note that Jeff is supposed to see his photon bounce vertically as usual.

This therefore creates a contraddiction.
Tim sees Jeff photonic clock photon move faster than his.

Note that if Tim would see Jeff photon go at the same speed (c) the photon will shift its bouncing point and finally bouncing out if the mirror, leaving Jeff photonic clock without photon.

So what is that will be observed ?
a. Is Jeff photon being lost (keep going at c as constant)
b. Or is it staying in Jeff clock (therefore speeding up in respect to Tim to allow to run more distance in the same time, therefore going faster than c) ?

The first possibilities is impossible since it will mean that Tim and Jeff will observe 2 diffrent realities (Tim sees Jeff loose the photon where Jeff sees that he keeps it).

The second option instead, that Jeff photon does actually speed up faster than c,
will work just fine, as we would expect, that each will keep their photon.

This is explained by the Emitter Theory
where c is constant only from the source.
That means that c is the speed of the photon from where it is emitted.

The Michelson-Morley experiment correctly shows no result (no interference, no aether) because the photons speed is the same from the emitter, therefore they take exactly the same time to go in either direction, they each go at c + the speed of earth.

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